As Pre schoolers bodies develop over time, the areas in their brains, that control movement continue to mature, thus enabling them to perform gross motor skills and fine motor skills.

Cognitive Development: Children are involved in quality interactions and activities like memory games, simple jigsaw puzzles, stacking and building games.

Language Development: The vocabulary of the child is enhanced through activities like Rhyme Recitation, Story Telling and learning of songs and prayers.

Social Development: Social and Emotional development of the child is enhanced through Role Plays and Dramas in a congenial atmosphere. Children develop a socio-emotional bonding with their peer by indulging in outdoor and indoor activities.

Gross and Fine Motor Skills Development: Gross and Fine motor skills are developed through various activities like Dance, Yoga, Aerobics, Exercises, Splash Pool, tearing and pasting, Picking small objects, Block Building, Engaging in Worksheets, Holding spoon properly while having food.